Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Photoshop: Layer Masks

We did a workshop on layer masks and how to blend people's faces together. I started by opening up a couple of street portraits that I took just for an example of how this works, as they are all composed the same and have similar lighting.

Here you can see that I have created a new layer and added in the other photograph. Both are visible at the moment as the show layer option is on.

In this screen shot, I have made the ruler visible so that I can line up the main features, such as eyes, nose, mouth and head size, so that both of the images match up. I have made the other layer hidden so that I can focus on this portrait.

Here, I have lined up the rulers so that the lines are in the same places in terms of her features. To do this I have had to increase the size of this portrait, and tilt the other.

Next, I added a Layer Mask, and selected the Hide All option so that it couldn't be seen whilst I was working on the other portrait.

Using the brush tool I have blended the girls eyes, glasses, and hair onto the boys face.

This is my finished image using a layer mask to blend the faces of two different people on Photoshop. You can see where I have blended the girls eyes and glasses onto the boys face, and have lighten his hair but kept the style using the girls hair. I decreased the opacity of the brush to do this. For a first attempt I don't think it is too bad.

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