Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Nick Wilson

This photographer's work caught my eye as I like the dramatic lighting as creativity he has put into all of his portraits. He has photographed many celebrities in unique ways, either by focusing just on the subject or by incorporating an interesting backdrop into the image as well.

Nick Wilson's image of Eddie Redmayne.

I love the use of black and white in portraits as it seems to smooth out the image, whilst adding a dramatic atmosphere to the photograph. It also means that the contrast can be increased a lot without too much repercussion, and this helps the subject to stand out from the backdrop more. In this image only natural daylight seems to have been used, and the fact that the actor is British is accentuated by the background which features some buildings in London. The use of props draws your attention away from the subject slightly so that the entire image can be appreciated as well.

Nick Wilson's photograph of Nick Grimshaw

This photograph exudes playfulness and fun, from the pose that the subject is in, to his facial expression and the composition of the shot. It not only features the subject, but what may or may not be his dog as well. It almost laughs at the stereotypical lifestyle of a celebrity - getting drunk at a house with a pool after some event including formal eveningwear. The contrast on the image is really effective, as the deep red of the subjects suit stands out well against the bright blue of the pool, once again drawing attention to the subject. By having he subject spread out throughout most of the frame ensures that the viewers attention will quickly return to him even if it strays for a short while. The lighting is directly above the subject, as no visible shadow can be seen, and all of his features are illuminated.

I like the dramatic way the shots have been composed, either from various angles or using filters. When I photograph my environmental portraits I think I may incorporate the style of making the background around the subject darker for one of my shots as this will bring them forward to stand out against the background.

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